Monday, January 2, 2012

Mastering the Art of Napping

!±8± Mastering the Art of Napping

Napping is not just for pleasure, but it also comes with several benefits:

1. Increase alertness and improve stamina
2. Improve perception
3. Reduce stress and elevate mood
4. Boost creativity and decision-making
5. Prevent migraines
6. Preserve youthful looks
7. Help to lose weight ( yes, the last two point are a bit unbelievable, but these come from book! )

Besides, who does not enjoy a nap? I am a consistent napper and I am really happy to find that there is nothing wrong with taking a nap daily. I am even happier when in facts, napping can really improves health.

However, there are some steps to follow if you want to get an effective and refreshing nap. Mastering napping is necessary for those who are facing a busy daily life and need that extra energy to go through the day.

One of the most crucial fact that you should know is that, human being are by nature born to feel sleepy 6-8 hours after waking up. No wonder a lot of people feels sleepy in the afternoon. Neurologist called this phenomenon as the 'afternoon slump'. Some people may get this sleepy feeling later than the other, there is no stiff rule on when this 'afternoon slump' will happen, but it will. Listen to your body.

Once you grasp the rhythm of your body, the next question is how long your nap has to be? Well, if a nap last longer than 90 minutes, then that is not a nap. The only reason that can explain this long nap is that you are sleep deprived. So beware if you are having the habit of sleeping for a long duration during the day, the fault might be at your night sleep.

Sleeping for about an hour is very good. Cause an hour is usually the minimum time taken for a person to fall into 'deep-sleep'. Deep-sleep is the most restorative stage of sleeping. People who execute nap properly and manage to get into deep-sleep stage will become unbelievably refreshed, as if they have the energy for a whole day restored back again. However, we can never guess when we will fall into deep sleep, it could take more than an hour. And if you wake up while deep-sleep is commencing, chances are, you will feel groggy since most part of your brain shut down during deep-sleep. It is very risky, but with more skill and practice, it can be executed properly.

Below the 20 minutes marker is the best duration for taking a nap! This technique is called the 'power naps'. Shorter naps include more REM stage of sleeping and prevent you from going into deep-sleep. While deep-sleep is responsible for restoring physical energy, REM sleep plays an important role for restoring your emotions and motivations. Although less energy is restored, grogginess is avoided and you will realize how powerful you can be if your spirit is renewed. Power nap is highly recommended by me!

For those who like to be lazy and are addicted to taking a nap on the sofa everyday. Be proud of yourself today! This is the only 'drug' that I found proved to be useful for our health. Its addictive. Its healthy!

Mastering the Art of Napping

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